Saturday, June 7, 2025

7:00 p.m. - Midnight
The TRACK at New Balance

91 Guest St, Boston, MA 02135

Gold Sponsor:

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On February 27, 2022, our family was changed in unimaginable ways with the loss of our 15-year-old son and brother, Preston. A bright light in all of our lives, Preston was defined by his motto “never have a bad day.” That motto is his legacy to us.

We see that motto as a challenge, not a given, interpreted through the lens of our own life experiences. “Never have a bad day” now means we work harder to make the next day better for those living in our community. We strive, relentlessly, to make tomorrow better, and we do that through the legacy of The Preston Settles Memorial Fund.

We introduced Bill H.4121 (The Preston Settles “Every Minute Counts” Act) — marshaled by Senator Cindy Creem, Senator Nick Collins, State Representative Marjorie Decker, and State Representative Russell Holmes — and are thrilled to report its passage by the State’s House Legislation on August 1, 2024 — the day before Preston’s birthday. We anxiously await the Senate’s approval and then the Governor and Lt. Governor’s signatures. It will require AEDs at all public sporting events in the Commonwealth with identifiable personnel with training and experience using them.

We will donate $100K each to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston and the YMCA to help with their programs and to disburse AEDs to appropriate organizations and teams to be utilized at events and displayed on-site in buildings. Together, we will also work with the American Heart Association to provide training in CPR and the use of the AEDs. The funds will also be used for underserved youth to provide scholarships for enrichment programs to enhance their professional growth and expose them to various sports.

We thank you all for your continued support.

Darryl, Lisa, & Taylor

Our Message

The Preston Settles Memorial Fund was created to develop and support educational and public initiatives about the importance of public health and cardiac event prevention. Since the creation of the fund, we have raised approximately $1 Million. Most importantly, we introduced the recently passed Massachusetts House Bill H.4121 (The Preston Settles “Every Minute Counts” Act), which will require automated external defibrillators (AED’s) with trained and identifiable personnel at public sporting events. We anxiously await the Senate’s approval and then the Governor and Lt. Governor’s signatures.

Our Mission

The Beneficiaries

How Your investment will be used

Purchasing 300+ AEDs

to distribute across the Commonwealth.  We are wholeheartedly extremely grateful to our lead sponsor, Zoll Medical Corporation, who’s generous donation and partnership will allow us to purchase them at a significant cost savings.

Beneficiary Donations

Donating $100K each to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston, the YMCA, and YW to help with many of their selective youth programs and provide CPR & AED training to their members.

CPR and AED Training

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Youth Scholarships

Providing scholarships to underserved youth to participate in enrichment programs to enhance their professional growth and expose them to various sports.

Cardiovascular Research

Supporting cardiovascular research at both Tufts Medical Center and Children’s Hospital in Boston. 

Help us Reach our Goal

We are currently soliciting event sponsors to help us reach our ambitious fundraising goal of $1M+, which will enable us to further our mission to support educational and public initiatives about the importance of public health and cardiac event prevention. If you are interested in sponsoring our Casino Night Event, please complete the form or contact Darryl Settles at or Gail Jackson at

More details on event sponsorships can be found here.

Please forward this information to friends and family who may want to sponsor and/or attend this extravaganza!